10/12 2022
Infinite shopping lane horror game

A simple horror game (Originally for ROBLOX, but not anymore. Written on 8/06/2023) of my own design. here is the secret (It isn't infinite.) The main idea is that you're just normally shopping until you see that one lane looks so long that it is literally fading into a black mist and that everyone else has vanished. The player (you, sorry lol) is dumb enough ti gi diwn it. A bunch of stuff happens that i'm yet ti think of. The begging will be the main character following a shopping list followed by a cutscene leading into the main game.

There is concept art but im too lazy to redraw 8/06/2023

10/12 2022
Roblox DOOM Game

(Please bear with me, i mean it.. Please. I didn't want to add everything I wrote about into this website but if I want content then I thought why not. This will be probably really cringe dont blame me. Written 8/06 2023)

(I "was." added 8/06 2023) working on a ROBLOX version of DOOM ETERNAL with my mate Arthur. He is learning how to script and build at the moment of wrting this (12th october 2022.) So propper development will start in atleast 5 months and at most 3 years, not joking. At the moment i have only created a couple TEST animations that are based off of DOOM glory kills and they can be viewed on my YouTube "Floofys Void." I don't know why i make jokes, promote or talk to the reader because only me and "the" use the book. (What. Added 8/06 2023) Hopefully i can meet up with Arthur some time. Dunno. Maybe we can talk about this I guess. (Bruh, what was i drifting on about lol. Added 8/06 2023) Anyways you will see more major things here soon. But back to me discussing the game. I want ti start thinking of weapons and map ideas first. Oh yeah i forgot to mention that this is inspired by Poptart Noahh's HELL REAVER, so check it out. (Because he couldnt make a campaing and only multiplayer sadly. Added 8/06/2023) The weapons i want to add are going to be alot like the ones in DOOM ETERNAL obviously and I want the weapon designs to not just feel like you are holding a powerful weapon, I want it to make you KNOW that it is powerful, just from the design. NOW the maps.